Roof Damage Investigations and Alternative Dispute Resolution
As either a Consultant, Appraiser or Umpire, Ric has successfully resolved many hundreds of property damage claim disputes since 1990 for a number of insurance companies. We feel that the insured is entitled to peace of mind whether a claim is allowed or not. In the allowance of a claim peace of mind is nearly automatic. However, if damage is not found to exist, there should be a clear and understandable explanation of the cause of the disputed conditions. We take the time to talk with the insured and to offer this peace of mind when possible in addition to addressing the relevent evidence in our written reports.
Roof Hail/Wind Damage Assessment Seminars
Property Claims adjusters and managers have benefited from Benchmark Seminars which teach simple but detailed methods for determining the cause of residential roof blemishes. Everything from Hail to Ball Peen Hammer is discussed as well as natural weathering blemishes. This is presented in common sense laymen terms with plenty of visual aids and an emphasis on question and answer interaction. The seminars are each tailored to fit the needs of your personnel.